How to transfer programs and files from old PC to new PC - Zinstall
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How to transfer programs and files from old PC to new PC

Windows 11

Getting a new computer? This guide will show you how to transfer everything from your old PC to new PC (desktop or laptop). The transfer preserves your programs, settings, documents, emails, profiles, accounts, pictures, music, favorites, and all files. We will be using Windows 11 as an example, but same process works for any combination of Windows versions (such as Windows 10 to Windows 11, Windows 11 to Windows 11, 32bit to 64bit and so on).

What we want to do here is to avoid manually installing all the apps, configuring settings, remembering accounts and passwords, backing up and restoring files and other manual, tedious tasks. Instead, we will be using software created specifically for automatic transfer from old PC to new PC – Zinstall WinWin.

How to transfer programs and files from old PC to new PC

  1. Run Zinstall WinWin on your old PC (the one you are transferring from).
    Note: You can get WinWin here, and its user guide here.
  2. Run Zinstall WinWin on the new PC
    1. You don’t need to do any configurations for the computers to connect – it’s automatic (as long as both are connected to same Internet connection, or directly with a network cable)
    2. You can also use a USB external hard drive to transfer, using Zinstall Migration Kit Pro
  3. If you’d like to select which applications and files you want to transfer, press the Advanced menu. If you just want to transfer everything, you don’t need to go to the Advanced menu.
  4. Press “Go” on the Windows 11 computer to start the transfer

That’s it!

Ready to transfer everything from old PC to new PC?

Get Zinstall WinWin here

Video: How to copy everything from old PC to new PC